fredag 28 oktober 2016

Demand jail time for Russian girls that ripped dog’s heart out while laughing!


by Rebecca Beaty October 25, 2016

The two perpetrators are Alina Orlova (aged 21) and her best friend Alyona Savchenko (19-years-old). The two live in the town of Khabarovsk, in the eastern part of Russia and seem to have developed a tremendous hate for animals, as they look to harm them every time they get the chance to.

The two are looking to adopt as many cats and dogs as they can lay their hands on. They get custody of the animals from local shelters after promising to look after the animals, but it turns out they do anything but that. What they actually do is take the animals to remote locations – abandoned houses situated at the outskirts of the city – and terminate them in the most vicious ways.

For instance, the puppy  in the photos above was bashed with a hammer and later had its internal organs ripped into pieces. As if the abuse itself was not enough, the girls documented the ordeal by recording it and later posted the video and gruesome pictures on social media, bragging about how much fun they had.

In another series of shocking videos, a defenseless puppy is hung and shot and a pregnant cat is sliced in half with a knife. All of this so these girls can be amused. The attackers don’t pass on the opportunity to pose for photos and upload them on VKontakte – a popular social media network in Russia. The message they are sending is crystal clear: these teenagers have no shame whatsoever and want to let everyone know what they are up to.

The precise of number of innocent animals that perished in terrible pain in their hands is yet to be determined, but based on the photos posted online and revealed by a Russian blog, the girls have terminated at least a dozen.

Both attackers study at the Pacific National University in Khabarovsk. It has also been revealed that Alyona’s mother was deprived of parental rights due to alcoholism and Alyona has been booked before; her best friend, Alina Orlova, pictured on the top left, is the daughter of a Colonel in the Russian Air Forces, Nikolai Orlov Vladimirovich. The Russian media have been doing their best to hide the identity of the girl amid pressure from her father. But the truth eventually came to light and the story went viral on social media and was picked up by numerous international news outlets. Reports have emerged that Orlova was detained by police at the Vladivostok airport, as she was preparing to board a flight to St. Petersburg.

Please support my petition and demand jail time for these heartless girls. There is absolutely no excuse for what they did – they knew perfectly what they were doing. The authorities must send a strong message to the entire country: cruelty to animals will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Take action now and do not let this case be swept under the rug! We, the undersigned, demand justice for all the animals that perished in the hands of Alina Orlova and Alyona Savchenko.

News Sources: The Mirror and Imgur 

Alyona Savchenko

Alina Orlova

The girls filmed themselves ripping the dog apart.

In another gruesome photo posted online, a dog was hung and shot.

Dozens of animals are believed to have perished in the hands of these deranged girls.

Punish evil Russian girls that sliced pregnant cat in half and posted photos on social media!


by Gertrie Nunez October 24, 2016

The disturbing photos of a cat being cut open by a couple of cruel college girls have emerged online. I set up this petition because I want these heartless, irresponsible teenagers to be brought to justice as soon as possible. Please support my appeal by signing and sharing the petition.

The girls are Alina Orlova, 21, and Alena Savchenko, 19, which is known in the online world as Christina K. The two, who living the city of Khabarovsk, eastern Russia adopted the pregnant cat from a local rescue shelter. They promised to take good care of it, but instead ended its life in the most inhumane way, just to entertain themselves. As the photos shows, the girls hung the cat to a rope and poked it with a knife several times. The desperate animal tries to escape, but is powerless. In the end, the two slice the defenseless animal in half and proceed to remove the unborn babies from her body. Alena then took a ‘selfie photo’ and posted in on VKontakte – a popular social media network, the equivalent of Facebook in Russia. The fact that they decided to upload the photos online only comes to show they have a blatant disregard for humanity and not afraid of being apprehended. 

However, it was revealed that there were far many more innocent victims. It seems that the two girls, who study at the Pacific National University in Khabarovsk, have developed a native hate towards animals and were constantly looking to adopt puppies and kittens. They would later taken them to an abandoned home at the outskirts of the city and terminate them. After the job was finished, they posed for photos (also with a smile of victory on their faces) and post the photos online. One puppy was hung and shot, while another one was bashed with a hammer and had his organs removed by one of the girls, while the other one was filming and taking photos. The two would also post photos photos with the animals shortly after adopting and would ask their followers how they wanted  the puppies or kittens to die.

The story of these heartless women went viral on social media after a Russian blog exposed their ‘operations’. Despite the fact the two had been posting these disturbing pictures for weeks on social media (on public profiles) authorities did not bother to intervene up until this point. Alina Orlova was detained in Vladivostok, where she was waiting for a connecting flight between her home city of Khabarovsk to St Petersburg in the north-western part of the country. She stated that she was innocent, claiming that she was being framed and that the photos posted on her social media account had been doctored. On the other hand, Alena Savchenko has yet to be detained. Local media reports that Savchenko’s family has close ties with local law enforcement, which might explain why police did nothing all this time.

It is obvious that Savchenko’s family will try to pursue local authorities to drop all charges against the two. We cannot let this happen under any circumstances. The evidence against them is compelling and solid. We must put pressure and spread the word to ensure that true justice will be done. We owe it to all the innocent animals that viciously died in the hands of these monsters.

Please do not let Ms. Savchenko and Ms. Orlova escape unpunished. Sign and share the petition now!

More information and photos here:

Alina Orlova

Alena Savchenko

A photo of the cat before the attack.

One of the girls takes a 'selfie'.

The two then remove the cat's unborn babies from her body.

torsdag 20 oktober 2016

Kriget i Ukraina: Yan Petrovskiy pågrepet av væpnet politi

19. oktober 2016

TØNSBERG (NRK): Yan Petrovskiy (29) utgjør en fare for rikets sikkerhet, ifølge norske myndigheter. Nå er den høyreekstreme russeren pågrepet etter at oppholdstillatelsen har blitt trukket tilbake.

NORSK FLAGG: Petrovskiy (til høyre) har kriget for prorussisk milits øst i Ukraina, noe han har fortalt villig om på sosiale medier. Nå er han tilbake i Norge, men myndighetene vil ha ham ut igjen.

NRK har tidligere fortalt at Utlendingsdirektoratet (UDI) vil ha 29-åringen utvist fra Norge. Den russiske statsborgeren har bodd i Norge siden 2004 og vært knyttet til et høyreekstremt miljø på Østlandet.

Tirsdag kveld ble Petrovskiy pågrepet av væpnet politi i Tønsberg i Vestfold, får NRK opplyst. Politiadvokat Ragnhild Høyvik Solheim i Sør-Øst politidistrikt bekrefter at en russisk statsborger er pågrepet med bakgrunn i utlendingsloven.

– Vi har pågrepet en russisk statsborger som har mistet sin rett til opphold i Norge. Det er også gitt avslag på utsatt iverksettelse, noe det ble informert om da vi kontaktet mannen i går, sier Solheim.

Grunnen til at UDI har trukket tilbake oppholdstillatelsen er at de mener Petrovskiy har oppholdt seg for lenge utenfor Norge.

– Vi bestemte oss for å pågripe mannen, fordi det ofte er fare for at siktede forlater Norge i utlendingssaker, sier Solheim.

Trussel mot rikets sikkerhet

Ifølge naboer NRK har snakket med skal pågripelsen av Petrovskiy ha gått rolig for seg. Politiadvokat Solheim opplyser at politiet nå har tre dager på seg til å avgjøre om russeren skal fremstilles for varetektsfengsling. Alternativet er at han sendes til Russland.

– I og med at han har fått avslag på utsatt iverksettelse skal han i utgangspunktet sendes ut av Norge. Foreløpig er det uavklart, og vi undersøker nå hva som blir utfallet, sier Solheim.

Etter at Russland annekterte Krim i 2014 (se faktaboks) har Petrovskiy reist frem og tilbake mellom Norge og Ukraina, der han har deltatt i kamper i Øst-Ukraina sammen med en prorussisk milts, ifølge ham selv.

BEVÆPNET: Yan Petrovskiy på et av de mange bildene han har publisert på sosiale medier. Her står han foran det brennende liket av en ukrainsk soldat i september 2014.

Norske myndigheter mener russeren er en trussel mot rikets sikkerhet. For to uker siden fikk Petrovskiy et forhåndsvarsel om at UDI vurderer å treffe et vedtak om utvisning etter paragraf 126 i utlendingsloven. PST bekreftet at utvisning ble vurdert på grunn av hensynet til «grunnleggende nasjonale interesser».

Ønsket om å utvise 29-åringen fra Norge henger etter alt å dømme sammen med reiseaktiviteten og hans kontakt med høyreekstreme personer i Norge.

I fjor var 29-åringen i Tønsberg, der han trente seg opp sammen med venner og forberedte seg på å reise tilbake til Ukraina. I et intervju med nettstedet, der tidligere Vigrid-leder Thorgrim Bredesen er redaktør, forklarte han hvorfor han var fremmedkriger. Nettstedet Frieord kaller seg selv nasjonalkonservativ, og blir definert som et høyreradikalt nettsted.

– Enten vil det vaie russiske flagg i Øst-Ukraina eller EU-flagg. Da bestemte jeg meg for å delta i konflikten som en frivillig kriger.

Patruljerte med «Soliders of Odin»

I februar samme år patruljerte Petrovskiy Tønsbergs gater med «Soldiers of Odin», ifølge VG. Russeren har bodd i Vestfold-byen med Ronny Bårdsen, som også skal ha patruljert med den kontroversielle borgervern-gruppa.

Petrovskiys forsvarer Nils Christian Nordhus ønsker ikke å kommentere tirsdagens pågripelse, men har tidligere sagt til NRK at saken mot 29-åringen er en «politisk forfølgelse».

– Han bestrider grunnlaget for utvisning. Han er en tidligere ustraffet person og oppfatter at den egentlig begrunnelsen er misnøye med hans meninger og standpunkter politisk, sa Nordhus for halvannen uke siden.

Advokaten påpeket også at 29-åringen ikke er siktet for å ha begått en straffbar handling.

Støttet nynazist i retten

Bårdsen og Petrovskiy var blant støttespillerne til den russiske nynazisten og kamsportutøveren Viacheslav «Røde Tarzan» Datsik, som dukket opp i Norge etter å ha flyktet fra et psykiatrisk sykehus i Russland.

Datsik har vært en av frontfigurene i den nynazistiske organisasjonen Slavisk forbund, som nå er forbudt i Russland. Petrovskiy og Bårdsen satt på publikumsplass da Oslo tingrett i 2011 behandlet utleveringsbegjæringen av Datsik til Russland.

NRK har vært i kontakt med Bårdsen, som sier han «ikke er interessert» i å kommentere denne saken.

UDI har tidligere ikke ønsket å kommentere utvisningsvedtaket mot Petrovskiy.