söndag 5 december 2021

Coronavirus Third World War and God’s Retribution

  Your world has totally degraded – especially the western world. Democracy has turned into sodomocracy. 99% of humans on this rotten planet Earth have neither intellectual nor spiritual interests. They are just beasts who live to devour food, goods, sensual pleasures and each other.
  Your world is soaked with ugliness and stupidity, for example:
  goat-legged male dickheads wearing rape-the-ape halfpants, showing off their disgusting and nauseating knobby hairy lower legs (one of the worst perversions ever);
  tattoos and piercings (signs of spiritual emptiness and mental vacancy);
  rape-the-ape gabble – gabbling audiodiarrhea (rap and hiphop) as replacement for music (sound diarrhea for creatures that have feces instead of brains).
  Luxury, debauchery, lechery and sexual perversity are the new “virtues” in your brave new fucking world – your world is literally fucking, because fucking is your new religion.
  Decent and intellectual people are mobbed, humiliated, derided, expelled from society and turned into outcasts (in some countries they are also imprisoned, tortured and murdered). Your world is a hopeless sewer, life there is unbearable for decent people, but you enjoy it, you find it “kool”.
  You started a war against God. You thought it would be fun. But it won’t be fun. You even don’t want to know who the God really is. Both atheists and religious fanatics are equally ignorant of His true essence.
  Coronavirus is sent upon you as punishment. Of course, you don’t want to admit it. And you have become worse than ever before: now you have created covidofascism, covido-obscurantism and covidoid schizophrenia. You have turned into degenerate covidoid muzzloids, you believe that a muzzle (a strap of cloth on your snout) will save you. But it won’t. Coercive vaccination (supported by the majority of cattle in some countries) won’t do it either. Because you simply don’t deserve it.
  Even George Orwell and Aldous Huxley couldn’t imagine how insane and putrefied the world would be in the 21st century…Your reality surpasses their wildest predictions. Do you even know who George Orwell and Aldous Huxley are?..
Shamil Bandera

söndag 10 oktober 2021

Russian spies ‘stole formula for Oxford/Astra Zeneca Covid jab and used it to create Sputnik vaccine’

10 October 2021
RUSSIA stole the formula for the Oxford / Astra Zeneca jab and used it to help create its own vaccine, ministers have been told.
Security services say they have proof one of Vladimir Putin’s spies swiped the vital data.
They say they have proof that vital data was pinched from the drugs firm — including the blueprint for the Covid jab.
Russia’s Sputnik jab uses similar technology to the Oxford designed vaccine.
Security teams are now sure it was copied. It is understood the data was stolen by a foreign agent in person.
Last year spies pointed the finger at President Vladimir Putin. They said they were “more than 95 per cent” sure Russian state-sponsored hackers had targeted UK, US and Canadian bodies developing a Covid vaccine.
The late security minister James Brokenshire said at the time: “We are very careful in terms of calling these things out, ensuring we can have that confidence in attribution. We believe we have this here.”
Tory MP Bob Seely, an expert in Russian affairs, said: “I think we need to get serious about Russian and Chinese espionage.
“Whether it is stealing the design for Astra Zeneca or blackmailing us over energy by these authoritarian and totalitarian regimes, we need to get wise to them.”
Home office minister Damian Hinds said today: "We live in world where there's state activity seeking to engage in industrial espionage and economic espionage.
"We face threats of this type that are different, they are more sophisticated, they are more extensive than they ever have been before.
"Constantly there are foreign states who would like to get their hands on sensitive information including sometimes commercial secrets."
Downing Street declined to comment.

torsdag 19 augusti 2021

Putins Schallangriffe auf US-Bürger in Berlin: „Das ist krasser als der Tiergartenmord“ (Opfer bekämpften russische Desinformation und Nord Stream 2)

19. August 2021
Der Schallwaffenhorror Rußlands hat Berlin erreicht!
Nach BILD-Informationen sind zwei Mitarbeiter der US-Botschaft in Berlin Anfang des Jahres Opfer einer perfiden Waffe des russischen Geheimdienstes geworden. Zuerst hat das „Wall Street Journal“ über die Fälle berichtet.
In ihren Wohnungen im Bezirk Mitte wurden die beiden mit Rußland-kritischen Themen betrauten Mitarbeiter über Monate mit hochfrequenten Schallwellen beschossen, bis sie und die Menschen um sie herum am sogenannten „Havanna-Syndrom“ erkrankten, arbeitsunfähig wurden und teils bis heute wegen schwerer Hirnschäden stationär behandelt werden müssen.
Nach BILD-Informationen handelt es sich bei den Betroffenen um eine Mitarbeiterin, die russische Desinformations-Attacken, Cyber-Angriffe und Einflußnahmeversuche auf die deutsche Gesellschaft abwehren sollte, und einen Mitarbeiter, der die Fertigstellung der russischen Ostsee-Pipeline Nord Stream 2 unterbinden sollte.
Beide Mitarbeiter waren in ihrer Arbeit passioniert und hoch engagiert, arbeiteten voller Elan mit deutschen Ministerien, Sicherheitsbehörden und Nichtregierungsorganisationen zusammen, um Putins dunkle Pläne für Deutschland zu durchkreuzen ... bis sie Opfer einer grausamen russischen Waffe aus Zeiten des Kalten Krieges wurden.
Schall-Angriffe zwischen Dezember 2020 und März 2021
Wie BILD erfuhr, begannen die Angriffe auf beide Angestellte um die Jahreswende 2020 / 2021, kurz nach der Wahl von Joe Biden (78) zum neuen US-Präsidenten.
Im Februar kapitulierte schließlich der mit Nord Stream 2 befaßte US-Beamte. Zu BILD sagte er damals, nicht nur er, sondern auch seine Ehefrau und mehrere seiner Kinder seien so krank geworden und mit den Nerven so am Ende, daß sie Berlin sofort verlassen müßten.
Die Mitarbeiterin, die Rußlands Desinformationsattacken bekämpfen sollte, gab ihren Kampf im März 2021 auf.
Bitter: Einige Kollegen glaubten ihr zunächst nicht, daß sie allnächtlich unter unerträglichen Kopf- und Ohrenschmerzen litt, die auch tagsüber in Form von lautem Summen und Brennen nicht weggingen.
Erst Monate späte stellte das Militärkrankenhaus „Walter Reed National Military Medical Center“ bei Washington, D.C. fest, daß die Beamtin in Berlin „eine Hirnverletzung, vergleichbar mit Schockwellen von Explosionen“ erlitten hatte.
Gegenüber dem „Wall Street Journal“ erklärte die Beamtin jetzt, „es gibt keine Beweise dafür, was mit uns passiert ist, aber es fällt auf, daß einige von uns an Rußland-bezogenen Themen gearbeitet haben“.
Wie BILD ebenfalls erfuhr, gingen beide Mitarbeiter bereits kurz vor ihrer Erkrankung davon aus, daß sie ins Visier russischer Geheimdienste gelangt waren.
Während der Mitarbeiter immer neue Messengerdienste für die Kommunikation mit seinen deutschen Kontakten nutzte und BILD berichtete, er befürchte, überwacht zu werden, war sich auch die Mitarbeiterin sicher, daß ihr Agenten von und zu ihrer Wohnung folgten.
Um ihren Verdacht zu prüfen, habe sie Fahrten in ihrem Auto nicht auf dem schnellsten Weg, sondern über Umwege zurückgelegt. Dabei sei ihr aufgefallen, daß ihr immer dieselben Wagen folgten. Auch habe sie festgestellt, daß auffällig oft russisch sprechende Menschen in ihrer Umgebung aufgetaucht seien.
Offiziell hieß es am Donnerstag auf BILD-Anfrage aus der US-Botschaft, man behandle „alle Berichte über potentielle Angriffe auf unsere Mitarbeiter mit größter Ernsthaftigkeit. Die Ermittlungen, was diese Vorfälle verursacht und wie wir unsere Mitarbeiter schützen können, dauern an“.
Russische Schall-Waffe schon seit 1975 bekannt
Doch womit wurden die beiden Mitarbeiter, so wie kurz zuvor auch US-Angestellte in Wien und andern Städten auf der Welt, angegriffen?
BILD erfuhr, daß die Ermittlungen der US-Behörden zurück in den Kalten Krieg reichen. Mitte der 1970er Jahre habe die CIA ihre Mitarbeiter in Europa und Rußland vor einer „Schall-Waffe“ gewarnt, die Rußlands KGB gegen die Wohnungen mehrerer Mitarbeiter des Geheimdienstes eingesetzt habe.
Die Waffe in der Form eines hinter einem Fenster nahe der Zielwohnung aufgestellten großen Blasinstruments sei darauf jedoch wieder in Vergessenheit geraten. Bis jetzt! US-Ermittler gehen davon aus, daß Rußlands Geheimdienst die Waffe seit 2016 – damals zuerst in der kubanischen Hauptstadt Havanna – wieder einsetzt oder, wie jüngst in Wien, an hochbezahlte Kriminelle gegeben hat, um US-Beamte unschädlich zu machen.
Ein US-Diplomat, der unerkannt bleiben will, ordnete die Geschehnisse gegenüber BILD ein. Die russischen Angriffe auf US-Botschaftsmitarbeiter seien „krasser als der Tiergarten-Mord“, weil Putins Regime auf dem Boden eines Nato-Landes Mitarbeiter eines anderen Nato-Landes angreife und so schwer verletze, daß sie ihren Aufgaben nicht mehr nachgehen könnten.
Auch seien die Angriffe in Berlin „schlimmer als in Österreich, Kuba oder China“, weil diese Länder nicht in der Nato seien und man in gewisser Weise mit solchen Attacken rechnen müsse. „Daß Rußland sich mittlerweile traut, solche Angriffe in Berlin auszuüben, hat eine ganz andere Dimension“, so der Diplomat.
Zudem erfuhr BILD aus mehreren Quellen, daß sich das US-Außenministerium bislang nicht an die deutschen Sicherheitsbehörden gewandt hat, um bei der Aufklärung der Angriffe mitzuhelfen.
„Das zeigt, wie gering das Vertrauen in den deutschen Willen zur Aufklärung ist“, so ein Insider zu BILD. Nach dem weitgehend konsequenzlosen Tiergarten-Mord des russischen Geheimdienstes am Georgier Selimchan Changoschwili im August 2019 habe man in den USA kaum noch den Glauben daran, daß Deutschland an der Aufklärung und Bestrafung der Hintermänner des russischen Terrors in der Bundeshauptstadt Interesse habe, so der Insider weiter.

torsdag 3 juni 2021

Danmark ger grönt ljus för kontroversiellt lagförslag: Asylsökande kan skickas till flyktingmottagningar i Afrika

3 juni 2021
Folketinget i Danmark har godkänt regeringens förslag om ett nytt omstritt system för asylsökande. Lagförslaget innebär att personer som söker asyl i Danmark kommer att kunna flyttas till ett land utanför Europa, till exempel Rwanda.
Tanken är att asylsökande hädanefter ska kunna skickas till ett mottagningscenter i ett tredje land, och att även asylprocessen ska ske där.
Personer som sedan beviljas asyl ska inte få komma till Danmark, utan de ska integreras i värdlandet eller flyttas till FN:s flyktingläger.
Personer som sedan beviljas asyl ska inte få komma till Danmark, utan de ska integreras i värdlandet eller flyttas till FN:s flyktingläger.
- Om du ansöker om asyl i Danmark vet du att du kommer att skickas tillbaka till ett land utanför Europa, därför hoppas vi att människor kommer att sluta söka asyl i Danmark, säger regeringens talesperson i utlänningsfrågor, Rasmus Stoklund, till DR.
Enligt Jyllands-Posten har den danska regeringen fört diskussioner med flera afrikanska länder som tänkbara värdländer, bland annat Tunisien, Etiopien, Egypten och Rwanda.
Förslaget kan göra det farligare för asylsökande
Människorättsorganisationer samt FN och EU har tidigare riktat hård kritik mot det danska lagförslaget.
Anders Aalbu, som är talesperson för FN:s flyktingorgan UNHCR:s kontor i Norden, säger till Svenska Yle att den danska lagen kan leda till ett sämre skydd för utsatta personer.
- Det här riskerar att underminera hela fundamentet för det internationella flyktingskyddet.

Aalbu varnar för att Danmarks lagförlag riskerar att få en dominoeffekt i Europa, om andra länder tar modell av den danska politiken.
Källor: TV2, Reuters, Jyllands-Posten, DR

tisdag 1 juni 2021

70% of Russians Support Return of Gulags

June 1, 2021
A poll released by Russia’s state-funded VTsIOM polling agency on Tuesday found seven out of ten Russians supporting the return of gulag labor camps, a notorious Stalinist practice that used prisoners for slave labor on state construction projects. 
The Moscow Times explained that a Gulag 2.0 would supposedly be more humane than the notoriously brutal and deadly forced labor camps established by Joseph Stalin in the 1920s and fully exposed to the Western world by dissident writer Alexandr Solzhenitsyn in his landmark 1973 book The Gulag Archipelago.
Stalin’s gulags held millions of inmates at their peak, including political dissidents, purged Communist Party officials, and random unlucky Soviet citizens in addition to convicted criminals. Tens of thousands of those inmates died every year from accidents, starvation, summary execution, and simply being worked to death.
The new labor camp proposal polled by VTsIOM would involve “dispatching around 188,000 inmates to fill part of the shortage created by a coronavirus-driven exodus of Central Asian migrant workers,” as the Moscow Times put it. 
The idea has been floated by “several cabinet ministers, the state railway monopoly and the head of Russia’s penitentiary system.” 
None of these parties seems to enjoy comparisons between their labor camp idea and the Stalinist gulags, although the Moscow Times said they have been getting some cover from revisionist-history op-eds in state media that seek to minimize the horrors of the original gulags or even recast them as beneficial work programs for the poor, much like the way today’s Chinese Communist Party attempts to justify its labor camps for the Uyghur Muslims.
One of those whitewashing articles, penned by columnist Victoria Nikiforova of the RIA news service on May 26, gushed that Stalin’s gulags were a “social elevator” for the poor that only seemed “quite unpleasant” to elite prisoners accustomed to lodging in luxury hotels. Her comment about social elevators promptly became an unflattering viral sensation among skeptical Russian readers, who had a field day posting her quote alongside old photos of beaten, starving, bloodied gulag inmates.
Nikiforova predicted the new gulags would likewise be a boon to the poor and Russian society at large, since they would inculcate a “healthier attitude towards physical labor” and serve as “additional drivers of the labor market in Russia.” 
The aforementioned head of the Russian Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN), Alexander Kalashnikov, insisted last week that his proposed labor camps would not be gulags.
“The conditions there will be completely different because an individual will be working and living in a communal home, or rent an apartment and live with their family if they like. They will also be paid well,” he said.
Respondents to the VTsIOM poll tended to see labor camps as a reasonable use of prisoners for productive ends, a way for criminals to repay the Russian state for the expense of housing them, and even as a way for prisoners to earn money for the families while learning useful skills.
58 percent of respondents thought work camps would help ease the transition of prisoners back into normal life. 62 percent thought “prisoners themselves will prefer to serve their sentences” in correctional labor camps, a figure that jumped to 74 percent among respondents 18-24 years old.

onsdag 19 maj 2021

Russian Mercenaries Are Raping and Murdering Civilians They’ve Been Hired to Protect

May 19, 2021
VICE World News uncovers evidence of Kremlin-backed gunmen gang-raping civilians in the Central African Republic and hiring hit squads to take out torture victims so their crimes are not exposed.
BANGUI, Central African Republic – “There was a camp of Russian soldiers and others, they started to question me. ‘You are a girlfriend of the rebels, you came to spy on our positions and report to your lovers,’ they said. I said no, but they insisted.”
Zara, whose name has been changed for her protection, was walking along the main road into the Central African Republic’s capital Bangui, when she was arrested by this joint unit of Russian and Central African troops. 
It was days after a rebel movement known as the CPC came close to overthrowing the government in January. Intent on taking over the government, the rebels still surrounded Bangui. The national military and a paramilitary group known colloquially as les requins or “the sharks” were on high alert for suspected rebels and rebel sympathisers.
Zara was on her way to reassure her family that despite the situation, she was safe. But then the Russian soldiers arrested her.
“Some soldiers were behind trees, I was surprised,” she told VICE World News. “They came out and took me into a dilapidated house. They bound me and said I’ll be killed if I don’t tell them the truth.” 
Zara remembers that four foreign men handcuffed her foot to the chair and came back hours later.
“One said, ‘We’re back, tell us the truth now.’ And he opened his pants, while talking to the others in a language I don’t know.”
“He wanted to force me,” she continued, looking down and speaking quietly.
“I refused and cried. He opened his zipper [and] pushed my head violently on it. With guns and all that. I got scared. I did it for both of them.”
Zara says she remained in the house for several more hours after the two men forced her to have oral sex and later, they walked with her back to her family home.
“I thought they were going to shoot me down on the way,” she said.
The Russian soldiers are part of a deployment of several hundred private military contractors hired by the Central African government to wrest the country back from rebel control.
Abidah, a shop-owner in Bangui whose name has also been changed, tells a similar story of being caught up in the sweep against suspected rebels in January and gang raped.
After losing her ID card when she fled a rebel attack, she was arrested by a joint unit of the “sharks” and Russian soldiers.
She said that the mixed unit took her to a hillside outside of Bangui and berated her with accusations of sleeping with the rebel leader.
Then, “the white men” took her SIM card from her phone and checked “with a computer, to see if I contacted the rebels...Most of my calls come from my family.”
Despite no evidence that Abidah was connected to the rebels, the abuse continued.
“There were three white men among the rapists. When they finished, the others, sharks, dragged me away and raped me again for six hours.”
That evening, “they threw me behind the stadium [in Bangui]” and Abidah made her way home. “I couldn’t walk.”
Abidah told VICE World News that she saw “piles” of bodies on the hillside.
“They killed many people behind the hill,” she said. “I’m not at peace. My mind isn’t working well.”
The Russian soldiers in the CAR are military contractors, members of the shadowy, Kremlin-backed Wagner Group, deployed to train the Force armee centrafricaine (FACA), the national military. 
Since a rebel movement overthrew the government in 2013, the FACA has been unable to extinguish the rebel groups that grew out of the brutal sectarian conflict that followed.
Today, rebels still control nearly three-quarters of the country, as the conflict has morphed from a sectarian war between Muslims and Christians into an opportunistic scramble for resource-rich areas and control of the government.
Despite the presence of French and other European troops, and an approximately 12,000-strong UN peacekeeping mission known as MINUSCA, efforts to train and reinforce the national military have amounted to little in terms of taking back territory and protecting civilians.
Dimitri Chop, a Russian soldier working as a public information office for MINUSCA, put it plainly.
“We were the first ones to organise shooting weapons with real weapons. Before us they were trained with sticks. I’m not joking,” he said, referring to EU and French training exercises.
“Russian instructors were the first ones to organise training with real weapons.”
Russia signed a deal to provide military support and training to the Central African Republic in 2017.  After Russian lobbying, Moscow was granted a relaxation of a UN Security Council arms embargo on the CAR, in order to provide light weapons in 2017 and again to provide military mounted vehicles in 2020. The exception has been a source of controversy and tension between France and Russia. 
On the ground, Chop said, “This is a really fruitful step. These armed groups are equipped much better than the army. They have rockets, good ammunition.”
Outside of the weapons sales, the details of the deal between Russia and the CAR are opaque and the active role of Wagner “trainers” on the frontlines has not been officially acknowledged by either government.
A VICE World News team observed Russian so-called trainers manning mounted weapons throughout the capital and in the city of Bouar, and was told several times by Russian sources in-country that the troops were on the way to and returning from the frontline fight with the rebels.
Beyond potential violations about the use of private military contractors in active conflict, VICE World News spoke to victims and rights activists in Bangui and uncovered a disturbing pattern of claims that Russian contractors are involved in torture, extrajudicial killings, rape and sexual abuse.
The UN Working Group on the use of Mercenaries wrote to the CAR government and Russia in April, highlighting allegations of “grave human rights abuses” and involvement on the ground that goes far beyond military training and potentially violates international laws of war.
“There is a level of transparency: The Russian contractors have been brought in to provide training. But we’re seeing something far beyond that,” Dr Sorcha Macleod, an academic and a member of the Working Group, told VICE World News.
“When they become directly involved in the hostilities, that’s the allegation that we have here. It’s not clear who they’re accountable to.”
As well as having to contend with Russian mercenaries and Central African paramilitaries, Central Africans like Zara and Abidah, are also falling victim to abuses at the hands of CPC rebels attempting to take strategic cities and highways.
“So for civilians, it's really difficult. If they're on the receiving end of violence and humanitarian law violations, they don't know who to turn to because they don't know who actually committed these abuses against them,” Macleod said.
This was the case for Abdullahi, who was tortured and later killed in his hometown of Bambari, where there is a Russian base.
Abdullahi was a street vendor, arrested on the roadside and taken to a Russian base.
His brother Bashir, told VICE World News that after Abdullahi reported torture at the hands of the Russians to local government officials, he was killed by local assassins, in an alleged hit ordered by Russian leaders in Bangui.
At the base, “they tortured him,” Bashir said, “they cut off his middle finger during the torture.”
When he was released three days later, he was transferred to a hospital in Bangui and his case became widely known. In search of justice, he reported the torture to a local political leader.
When he returned to Bambari, “he restarted his life,” Bashir said. “One day...he is coming back home from prayer, some [rebel] elements followed him, shot him down and ran away.”
His death was blamed on the rebels but his father went to local rebel leaders for an explanation.
“The Russians paid for him to be killed to silence him,” Bashir insisted. Both Bashir and Abdullahi’s names have been changed for their own protection.
Diplomatic sources in Bangui told VICE World News that the claims of Bashir’s family are credible. 
Assassinations are in line with the allegations in the UN letter and with a still unsolved case of the murder of three Russians journalists who were killed in an ambush in the CAR in 2018, while investigating the role of Wagner in the conflict. 
VICE World News received no response from repeated requests for comment from Russian diplomats in the CAR, however on Facebook, the Russian embassy dismissed abuse allegations with “indignation,” calling them “baseless accusations against those who are trying to restore peace and order.”
And Central African defence minister Marie Noelle Koyara, one of the chief architects of the deal with the Russians, said the government had yet to receive any direct reports of abuses at the hands of Russians or FACA soldiers. 
“This saddens me…NGOs make a report, say[ing] that human rights are not respected,” she said. “If you don’t turn to the concerned government, how can we investigate?”
When presented with specific examples of alleged abuses by VICE World News, Koyara said, “There's too much manipulation, and the politicians too, they write things that influence the population, and that's not good,” before abruptly ending the interview.
As the authorities continue to blame atrocities on rebel groups alone and dismiss emerging abuse allegations about the Russian contractors in the media and by the UN Working Group, Abidah, the shop-owner in Bangui, remains terrified she will encounter Russian soldiers in the capital.
“I’m not at peace. I don’t sleep at night. I’m scared and hardly go out,” she said. 
“I ask the government: ‘Why me?’ I can’t believe what happened. I dont understand.”