tisdag 14 mars 2023


Ukraine and Russia: 2022 - early 2023 Summary

March 14, 2023
  On February 24th, 2022 Russia escalated to its maximum the war against Ukraine which, actually, had begun 8 years earlier – on February 26th, 2014. The months of war during the last year have been crammed full with unprecedented Russian brutality: bombings and missile attacks aimed at civilians, perverse bestial torture, rape of everybody – men and women, the young and the old, even infants and 4-year-old children… The bestiality of Russian army and the support shown for it by the overwhelming majority of Russian sheeple evokes only one conclusion: there is no Russian nation, these critters are just organic waste that should be discarded for the sake of the whole planet.
  Ukraine is unambiguously a victim of rabid Russian beasts and deserves all support. But there is an important issue that is neglected in the West: the main problem of Ukraine is that it’s too Russian, too uncivilized. Ukraine has always been more “Malorossiya” than a pronounced European country. Still gopnik is the king in Ukraine, like in Russia. If a wealthy gopnik with connections kills a person in Ukraine (for example, in a car accident or in a brawl), he has all chances to bribe the police and get away with it – such cases are very common. Another problem in Ukraine (and also outside of it) is Zelensky’s cult of personality. Zelensky is neither a hero nor a sage. He has always been just a greedy and career-oriented clown, popshitboy predisposed to luxury, corruption and authoritarianism – a kind of “mini-Putin”. To stand for Ukraine doesn’t mean to worship Zelensky. Currently he continues to make his career – this time he is building it upon the blood of Ukrainian people. He appoints to jobs dubious persons, his sidekicks stink. Zelensky is also responsible for neglecting Ukraine’s defense before the 2022 large-scale Russian invasion. The likelihood of Ukrainian victory depends on Ukraine’s ability to correct its mistakes and to grow intellectually and spiritually.
Sven Svensson